Every person is on their own team and is trying to get others out by throwing a ball at them. Once they have a ball they can only take two steps and then throw the ball. Once they are out, they must sit down. Students sitting can still throw balls if one rolls to them.
Get balls out of storage closet.
- Several balls
GooGoo GaGa
One person is behind a kid blindfolded. There is food the blindfolded person has to feed the person sitting while blind folded. The messier the food, the messier the game is!
Get the foods ready (opened, spoons ready, etc)
- Items to feed person (3)
Silent Speedball
Put chairs in a circle for everyone.
- Ball (1) Chairs (One Per Person)
Birdie On A Pirch
Kids go in a circle on different teams all spread out.When the music stops, they have to find their team members and do the pose that was called out. Last team standing, wins.
No prep
- None
One penguin marches around trying to find an open chair while the students try to prevent the penguin from doing that.
- Chairs
Train Wreck
Have everyone circle up in chairs with one person standing in the middle. The person in the middle will say their name and something that applies to them. (ex: “My name is Jake and I am wearing jeans) If that applies to anyone else in the group, then those people have to get up and find a new seat (in bigger groups they cannot take the seat directly next to them) If that applies to anyone else in the group, then those people have to get up and find a new seat (in bigger groups they cannot take the seat directly next to them) Whoever doesn’t find a seat goes to the middle! The person in the middle can also say “TRAINWRECK” and everyone has to find a new seat! One variation is moving the group in tight. If you like chaos, then this is perfect!
Put chairs in a circle.
- Chairs