We are Go Tell It!
If you want to lead kids toward an eternal relationship with Jesus, we want to help!
Our mission is to make the name of Jesus known to kids around the world by resourcing ministry leaders and parents with gospel-centered materials. We create KidMin curriculum and at-home resources with the idea that learning about the Bible should be both fun and transformational.
But Go Tell It is more than just an organization. We’re a community of KidMin leaders, educators, parents, pastors and students teaching and learning the good news of Jesus together. Our resources aren’t created in a laboratory. Rather, they’re the product of careful study, creativity, ministry experience, and the earnest feedback of churches and families.
Our curriculums are rooted in the Bible because the Bible is the true Word of God. They’re easy to use because leaders and volunteers have it hard enough already. They’re interactive and fun because…well…kid’s love having fun! It’s a great way to engage them with the life changing message of Jesus.

We are
Go Tell It!
If you want to lead kids toward an eternal relationship with Jesus, we want to help!
Our mission is to make the name of Jesus known to kids around the world by resourcing ministry leaders and parents with gospel-centered materials. We create KidMin curriculum and at-home resources with the idea that learning about the Bible should be both fun and transformational.
But Go Tell It is more than just an organization. We’re a community of KidMin leaders, educators, parents, pastors and students teaching and learning the good news of Jesus together. Our resources aren’t created in a laboratory. Rather, they’re the product of careful study, creativity, ministry experience, and the earnest feedback of churches and families.
Our curriculums are rooted in the Bible because the Bible is the true Word of God. They’re easy to use because leaders and volunteers have it hard enough already. They’re interactive and fun because…well…kid’s love having fun! It’s a great way to engage them with the life changing message of Jesus.

What We Do
and How We Do It
What We Do
How We Do It
The "gears" that make
GO! Curriculum turn
Before you dive into the “nitty-gritty” of the GO! curriculum, it’s worth understanding the gears of spiritual formation that churn in the background of every lesson. Simply put, each GO! lesson is designed to be an interactive experience that transforms kids’ minds, hands and hearts.

GO! takes kids chronologically through the Bible so they can know how each story fits together to tell the Big Bible Story of God’s love and redemption. More than that, GO! places God at the center of each story.

Our faith in God should be a living and active faith, one that affects how we interact with the world around us. For this reason, GO! lessons are designed to help kids apply their faith in everyday situations.

God wants more than just our minds and hands, He wants our hearts, too! Every GO! lesson gives kids an opportunity to respond to God through prayer, Bible reading, drawing, or writing.
The "gears" that make
GO! Curriculum turn
Before you dive into the “nitty-gritty” of the GO! curriculum, it’s worth understanding the gears of spiritual formation that churn in the background of every lesson. Simply put, each GO! lesson is designed to be an interactive experience that transforms kids’ minds, hands and hearts.

GO! takes kids chronologically through the Bible so they can know how each story fits together to tell the Big Bible Story of God’s love and redemption. More than that, GO! places God at the center of each story.

Our faith in God should be a living and active faith, one that affects how we interact with the world around us. For this reason, GO! lessons are designed to help kids apply their faith in everyday situations.

God wants more than just our minds and hands, He wants our hearts, too! Every GO! lesson gives kids an opportunity to respond to God through prayer, Bible reading, drawing, or writing.

About David
Creator of GO! Curriculum
If children’s ministry was a baseball team, David Rausch has played every position, including 1st-baseman, manager, bat boy, and 6th-baseman. Okay, that last one isn’t a legit baseball position, but David’s done it all. From Sunday morning volunteer, to children’s director, to content creator. From small community church to giant mega-church, he’s been involved in all facets of children’s ministry in all sizes of church.
Like a lot of children’s ministry leaders, David was frustrated with the published curriculums he was using. Some of them were fun and engaging, but Biblically weak. Some were Biblically rich, but dry and boring. “Why can’t they be both?” David thought. He wished that someone would fix that. Someone else!
But in 2015, God called David to start what would eventually become Go Tell It. “Who me? You’ve got the wrong guy!” David said. “I know you’re the wrong guy, that’s why I picked you,” God said. “It’s not about what you can do, it’s about what I’m going to do through you.” That was hard to argue with, so David relented. And ever since then, he’s devoted himself to creating resources that are as fun as they are transformational.
Thanks in no small part to the contribution of the GO! team, and the insights of leaders who use GO! Curriculum, David gets to live out his passion for resourcing parents and ministry leaders with tools that get kids excited about the gospel.

About David
Creator of GO! Curriculum
If children’s ministry was a baseball team, David Rausch has played every position, including 1st-baseman, manager, bat boy, and 6th-baseman. Okay, that last one isn’t a legit baseball position, but David’s done it all. From Sunday morning volunteer, to children’s director, to content creator. From small community church to giant mega-church, he’s been involved in all facets of children’s ministry in all sizes of church.
Like a lot of children’s ministry leaders, David was frustrated with the published curriculums he was using. Some of them were fun and engaging, but Biblically weak. Some were Biblically rich, but dry and boring. “Why can’t they be both?” David thought. He wished that someone would fix that. Someone else!
But in 2015, God called David to start what would eventually become Go Tell It. “Who me? You’ve got the wrong guy!” David said. “I know you’re the wrong guy, that’s why I picked you,” God said. “It’s not about what you can do, it’s about what I’m going to do through you.” That was hard to argue with, so David relented. And ever since then, he’s devoted himself to creating resources that are as fun as they are transformational.
Thanks in no small part to the contribution of the GO! team, and the insights of leaders who use GO! Curriculum, David gets to live out his passion for resourcing parents and ministry leaders with tools that get kids excited about the gospel.
Our Statement of Faith
God is One God who exists in three persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, and all-loving. God is the creator of all things and all things belong to Him.
Jesus is God, who became a person through the beautiful and mysterious conception by the Holy Spirit. He is forever both fully God and fully man. Jesus lived a sinless life that culminated in his voluntary death on a cross, which in turn satisfied God’s divine justice and made salvation available to all who trust in Christ alone. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead in his glorified body and ascended to heaven where he sits at God’s right hand, serving as a mediator between God and man.
The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to the world. He convicts sinners and draws them into a new life with Jesus. From the moment of life through Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within the new believer until the day of redemption.
Although people are sinful and therefore separated from God, God still loves us and through His eternal grace has offered us a plan of redemption through Jesus. God offers His free gift of salvation to everyone who believes that Jesus died and rose from the dead and who accept Him as their savior. Salvation through Jesus is wholly and completely a free gift and is not in any way obtained through the work or good behavior of people.
The Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is the verbally inspired word of God, his truth, his heart, and his purpose for the world. It is the final authority for faith and practice, inerrant in the original writings, infallible, and God-breathed.


GO! Curriculum
GO! is the chronological children’s ministry curriculum that gets kids out of their seats and into the storytelling action.

What would summer be without VBS? Our VBS programs help you reach kids with the good news of Jesus through fun and interactive experiences.

Christmas programs, Easter Egg hunts, Family Sermons…the team at GO! Curriculum is always imagining new ways to help you serve families.
GO! Curriculum
GO! is the chronological children’s ministry curriculum that gets kids out of their seats and into the storytelling action.
What would summer be without VBS? Our VBS programs help you reach kids with the good news of Jesus through fun and interactive experiences.
Christmas programs, Easter Egg hunts, Family Sermons…the team at GO! Curriculum is always imagining new ways to help you serve families.