Unit 5: Tippy’s Merry Mouse House


It’s Christmas time at Tippy’s Mouse House! Just as mice are prone to do, Tippy has tiptoed into the preschool room and scurried off with the Christmas story pictures. Together, the preschoolers get to peek into Tippy’s festive Mouse House and search for the pictures amongst all the other doodads that Tippy has collected. It’s a yuletide search that culminates in the discovery of God’s greatest gift—baby Jesus.

Unit Information:

Lesson 1 The Angel’s Big Announcement Key Verse: John 3:16
Big Idea: God gives us baby Jesus. Bible Basis: Luke 1:26-38
Lesson 2 Joseph Has a Dream Key Verse: John 3:16
Big Idea: God gives us baby Jesus. Bible Basis: Matthew 1:18-25
Lesson 3 Baby in a Manger Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:15
Big Idea: Praise God for baby Jesus! Bible Basis: Luke 2:1-7
Lesson 4 The Shepherds Shout “Hooray!” Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:15
Big Idea: Praise God for baby Jesus! Bible Basis: Luke 2:8-20

*Recommended Use Dates:  December 10 – 31, 2023


*Each GO! unit is part of a 12-month scope and sequence that takes kids on a chronological journey through the Bible. The scope and sequence is designed to follow the Christian calendar so that the Christmas lessons land on Christmas and the Easter lessons land on Easter. The “Recommended Use Dates” indicate where the unit falls within the one-year curriculum calendar. You are able to use the unit at any time of the year that works best for you, but by following the “Recommended Use Dates,” you can easily transition into using the other GO! units to tell the remainder of the Big Bible Story. Click here to view the curriculum calendars.

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